Amis Musical Circle
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The concert band music now playing is J.S. Bach’s Contrapunctus 9 from The Art of Fugue for band.
Johann Sebastian Bach
The Art of Fugue
for Band
Amis Musical Circle is a classical music publishing company offering the arrangements, transcriptions and compositions of Kenneth Amis, tuba player of the world renowned Empire Brass. This transcription of The Art of Fugue for concert band includes all fourteen fugues (called Contrapunctus) and four canons that were originally supposed to be part of Bach's last collection (there is also a bonus canon included). At over 93 minutes of contrapuntal music, it offers an ensemble many opportunities to show both its technical precision and musical maturity.
Please take a few moments to browse our online catalogue.
You can purchase the entire Art of Fugue for concert band collection at once, each individual Contrapunctus separately or the canons as a separate set. You can hear sound samples and look at sample score pages at our online shop. You can also see more detailed program and performance notes by clicking the link below.
The Art of Fugue for concert band notes
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